There are two ways you can get a taxi in any city in the U.S. or Canada:

1. The Mobile phone number.


The beauty of #TAXI is that it’s crazy simple. It’s just a number (#8294) you dial on your mobile phone that automatically connects you to the first available cab in your area. Any city or town in North America, as long as there’s taxi service. If you need a cab, give it a try!


2. #TAXI Smart Phone Apps.

If you have a Smart Phone, you can download our new mobile app. Clicking on the app will launch a call that uses the smart phone’s GPS coordinates to immediately connect you to the best cab company dispatch based on your location and time of call. Free to download! Also, we have sponsored apps with some of our alcohol partners that are free to download and free to use.

Check out our #TAXI Mobile Apps HERE!

Check out the Guinness Quick Cabs Mobile App HERE!